Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Softnect is fully equipped to design, implement, and support applications used to assist enterprise wide business operations of any organization. Softnecthas strong capabilities of ERP Solutions with key expertise in the Industry and Education domains. With a major emphasis on quality of product and support delivery, Softnectis able to provide you with standout solutions that will distinctly set you apart and create your identity to help you successfully manage your business and rule the marketplace.

ERP System for Education Domain- EdSoft

Our key focus area is in the ERP based Enterprise Application solutions for the Education Institutional sector. Our Education Management System is developed on strong and cutting edge technology platforms empowered by demanding internet and scalability features. The system is modular in structure catering to all the key functional areas of an education institution with attributes that makes it very user friendly, simple and attractive in look and feel, yet comprehensive and encompassing of all the necessary features and functionalities of various departments of the organization in the form of different modules.

With our strong understanding and business process insight into the end to end working of Educational operations, we have designed and developed our core ERP package for educational institution management around all the key high and low level processes and sub-processes which are essential in the Education operations domain. The software caters to seamlessly integrating all the functional departments and their processes to create a uniform information flow system having an institution-wide singular common database. Our software is driven on the browser based technology, easily extendible to other branches, rich of all the essential features and functions of typical education operations, backed with our upright post implementation Application support expertise.

Whereas our core product is a full-fledged ready to start base product, we first undertake your business study to re-engineer and map your exact requirement into our core product to develop and deploy a specially customized business solution for you. This way the efforts are limited only to the missing portions resulting in optimal impact on time and cost factors. And what makes our industry proven, feature rich, user friendly, end to end integrated education management software economically more attractive is that it comes on ‘Free, unlimited user licensing basis and No Annual Software Renewal fees system’. This software is designed to suit the needs of every type of educational Institution, which computerizes, integrates, and speeds up complete operations between the concerned Departments of the Institution. It also has a robust and comprehensive reporting system module.

EdSoft includes the following features:
  • Multi-channel capabilities
  • An Student/Parents communication interface, available as web application
  • An administrative interface to easily configure the system

  • EdSoft has the following modules:
    • Admission Management
    • Academics Management
    • Fee Management
    • Examination Management
    • HR & Payroll Management
    • Student/Parents Portal
    • Report Management
    • System Management

ERP System for Industry Domain- PERPUS

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is a multi-module application software system that uses multiple components of computer hardware and software to integrate all the data and processes required by an organization using a unified database. Softnect offers Industry ERP systems that are customizable to Client requirements providing entire end to end lifecycle services.

The Softnect business ERP comes in two variants; POWERP as quick to implement on minimum changes for M&S industry and, PERPUS as totally customizable version for MSM industry. Some highlights of industry ERP are as follow.

PERPUS includes the following features:
  • Multi-channel capabilities
  • An administrative interface to easily configure the system

  • PERPUS has the following modules:
    • Design Management
    • Purchase Management
    • Gate Management
    • Store Management
    • Production Management
    • Quality Control
    • Sales & Distribution Management
    • Marketing Management
    • HR & Payroll Management
    • Financial Management
    • Report Management
    • System Management
Domain, Host, Bulk Email and Bulk SMS services can be included as an additional service based on customer requirement.